Who’s the problem with acne?Many people, not only teenagers. For adults, acne is also a big problem that can damage confidence. There are many ways to treat acne. Depending on the type of acne, skin condition, age range or hormones, etc.

Acne types, such as pimples, acne, and acne are different in treatment for acne. Adolescent acne and adult acne must also be considered for acne black marks, acne scars, hard-to-cure scars and recurrence. Having a specialized dermatologist will help you find the most effective and suitable acne treatment for your skin.

What’s a pimple?

“excessive oil” is the condition of skin in which pores are blocked by oil and dead skin cells. This causes whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples. Although acne can occur at any age, it is often found during adolescence.

There are many effective treatments for acne that can gradually disappear, but many times we find that when some acne disappears, new acne occurs or even worse because old acne doesn’t stop coming up. The best treatment must be to prevent it from recurring.

Causes of acne

” Acne ” is a combination of body – produced oil and dead skin cells that clog our skin pores and contain P bacteria.Propionibacterium acnes, which causes acne in the pores and can grow more and more. This bacteria naturally live on our skin, but if there are too many, it can cause inflammation in the area where these pores are blocked to eventually become pus or acne.

The factor that triggers acne

The cause of acne is known to depend on many factors. If we know the exact cause of acne, we can choose a treatment that suits our skin. Acne can be divided into two main categories: internal and external.

Internal factors

Factors within the body are caused by ourselves. Therefore, it is a factor that can be easily controlled and avoided, including

  • Hormone Disorder: Hormones are chemicals that the body creates to perform many functions. When hormonal changes occur, they affect parts of the body, especially in adolescents when sex hormones increase and stimulate larger fat glands and produce large amounts of fat, which is a major cause of acne.
  • Inappropriate nutrition: Eating too much fat, high – carbohydrate foods, consuming too much cow’s milk products are all other factors that cause acne.
  • Inheritance: Most studies have found that when parents have a history of acne in adolescence, their children are likely to develop acne in adolescence as well. Or vice versa, if parents are pimples in adulthood, the chances of their children becoming acne in adulthood will be higher. Genetics is changing.Nothing, but we can choose the right acne treatment for ourselves.
  • Stress: It is another factor within the body that stimulates fat glands to produce more fat, which is one of the causes of acne.

External factors

It is a factor that occurs outside the body but affects us directly and indirectly. Although most of them are uncontrollable, they can be avoided, such as

  • Climate and environmental pollution: Temperatures and weather directly affect one’s skin, whether dry, warm or cold, can cause acne. Combined with road pollution such as dust or smoke from vehicles or construction materials, there is an increased risk of acne.
  • Cosmetics: Too much makeup and not all cosmetics are washed, leaving them on the face and clogging up pores until they cause acne.
  • Some drugs and chemicals: Some chemicals may trigger acne, such as steroids.
  • Improper cleaning of the face: excessive washing or severe scrubbing may cause damage to the protective shield that is coated on the face surface, making it easy to dry and acne.

How many types of pimples are there?

Acne is divided into two categories: inflammatory and non-inflammatory. Both types can become serious if left untreated, but acne tends to be severe and requires more specialist treatment.

Acute acne

Acute acne is characterized by blisters, swelling and pain on the skin. There is yellow, white or red in the middle of the blister. It usually occurs in the face, back plate, chest and shoulder. Acute acne or elephant head acne are also classified as inflammatory. Inside the acne consists of bacteria, pus, and mumps. Dead skin cells and excess oil combined with market-based acne treatments may help prevent acne, but in some cases specialist treatment is needed.

non-inflammatory acne

Non-inflammatory acne is caused by pore blockage. Sometimes we call it “inflammation” occurs near the outer skin. This type of acne is non-volatile and painless. The most common types of noninflammatory acne are whitehead (closed head) and blackhead acne, which are called after the appearance of pimples and pimples.

Acne severity range

Most acne severity ranges are divided into four stages according to their characteristics and severity. The severity of acne varies from person to person if we know what acne looks like.At any stage, the appropriate treatment for acne can be effective.

In the same way, acne severity may change over time. It may be related to hormonal changes (e.g., during menstruation, pregnancy or adolescence) or stress levels also affect acne occurrence. Therefore, acne treatment must be adjusted according to the situation for best results.

  • Stage one, mild acne.

It is the least severe acne. It consists of black-headed pimples. Most of them are located in the nose and small red pimples. They are often found in the cheeks. The amount of acne is small and tends to occur only occasionally.

  • Second stage, moderate acne.

In the second phase, there will be more acne. In addition to the most common TZ zone, acne can also be found in all areas of the face. The front surface will have a large amount of white-headed pimples (closed pimples) characterized by white or convex yellow spots. If squeezed, white liquid will flow out.

Around the pimple, there is a red mark indicating mild inflammation. Sometimes there may be swelling in that area. In addition to white-headed pimples, red bumps, rough, irregular skin and yellow pus can also be found. 

The nodule, which is found to be blood clotting. When squeezed, no fluid flows unlike the pusule. If squeezed, there will be yellow pus mixed with blood. The pimples are formed by the accumulation of dead skin cells, white blood cells and bacteria.

  • Stage three, severe acne.

It is a very inflammatory stage. Many papules are found all over the face. Because acne lesions occur close together, they can spread and gather. The skin is damaged by acne compression and often leaves scars after severe acne treatment. The infection will be deep in the skin layer, so more red spots will occur and swelling.

  • Stage four, chronic acne.

This stage is very severe. There are large pimples. The acne does not occur only on the face, but sometimes there will also be acne on the neck, shoulders, back and arms. When touching the pimples, there is a large lump or puddle, or we call it elephant’s pimple. The size of that pimple may be about half centimeters in diameter and found pus inside.

In addition to acne with pus, acne that does not include pus will be found. But the pimples will become hard lumps. When touched on the patient’s face, scarring is often found because acne occurs deep in the skin layer.

 the area where acne usually occurs

Some areas of the face tend to develop acne easily for many reasons.

  • Hairpin and temporal pimples: The pimples that occur in this area are called forehead acne, which may be caused by the use of certain hair products. It can occur in both women and men and can be either inflammatory acne, diphtheria or blocked acne.
  • Tzone acne (fronts, nose and chin): Acne in this area is caused by fat glands producing sebum, an oil that moisturizes and protects the skin. Excessive fat production causes acne.
  • Chinnitus or acne on the cheek may be caused by skin friction, such as lying on a pillow. Using a phone attached to your face, wearing a sanitary mask or wearing a chin strap device. Avoiding such friction will improve acne.
  • jaw and jaw pimples: Acne in this area is often caused by hormonal changes. It can occur in both men and women.

a cure for acne

In many cases, acne is often repeated in the same area, so we need to find a sustainable acne treatment and effective facial care to prevent acne and scars.

  • Try not to touch the pimples.

Avoid touching sheep or touching acne. Although squeezing may seem like a quick way to remove acne, it often causes scarring that is difficult to fix. Frequent contact with acne also transfers bacteria and oil from the hand to the skin, which increases the possibility of acne.

  • wash one’s face regularly

Washing your face twice a day or only when you sweat can prevent excessive oil from accumulating and clogging pores, but be careful not to wash your face too often because it may cause irritation and worsen acne symptoms.

  • Warming 

Warming helps open the pimple’s head and help drain the remaining pus until it eventually disappears. This method works well, especially acne that occurs deep under the skin. We can easily do this by soaking towels in warm water and applying them to acne for 10-15 minutes at a time. It can be done several times a day until acne is cured.

  • quality medicine and drugstore products

How is the proper use of certain medications effective in preventing acne?However, certain medications and chemicals may cause dry skin and other side effects. Strictly follow the instructions for using those medications and products.

  • Steroid use

The use of cortisone, a hormone steroid secreted from the adrenal glands, can reduce redness and inflammation, but does not cure acne. There are many precautions to take in cortisone.

  •  Drug use and acne treatment in accordance with the advice of a specialist doctor

The concentration of certain acne medications or treatments requires a doctor to prescribe or treat certain acne procedures only by experts, such as using a laser to treat acne, pressing acne, and injecting acne.

Acne treatment procedure for acne in the Acne Clear Treatment program

Acne treatment program for smooth skin In addition to reducing acne, it can also help prevent acne. There are several procedures to treat acne as follows:

Pimple extraction

Acne pressing is tapping the acne head with a needle or sterile device and squeezing or pressing the acne so that dirt or clogged fluids flow out.

Pimple injection

Acne injection is the injection of steroids directly into the inflammatory position to reduce inflammation quickly, causing acne to collapse faster than usual. 

Take medicine

Taking a disinfectant or antimicrobial to treat acne, which not only acts as an anti-inflammatory agent but also prevents comidone that is the source of acne. In severe acne cases, doctors may consider prescribing vitamin A acid to reduce the function of fat glands.

Drug for external use

Using antibiotics, vitamin A acids, some chemicals to treat acne in many forms. Most of them kill germs and reduce the incidence of fat clots that cause acne. Some medications should be strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

The mask kills acne.

The acne mask helps treat both acne and acne. It helps to thoroughly cleanse the skin, remove dirt and excess on the face, anti-inflammatory effects and kill bacteria simultaneously.

When will acne treatments be effective? And how should I be treated?

Acne treatment will work quickly or slowly depending on many factors, including the type and severity of acne, including the type of medicine and acne treatment chosen whether it is appropriate for skin conditions or meets the type of acne. It also depends on the patient’s own behavior, such as Strictly following the advice of a doctor or specialist also helps to make treatment plans effective and achieve their goals quickly.

As a result, you should consult your doctor to determine the cause and choose the right acne treatment that suits us best. He often recommends continuous treatment as a course program. The Acne Clear Program takes 10 weeks to treat acne, an average duration of more than 80%. When a patient comes to see a doctor on an appointment and performs continuous treatment every week.

Practice that should be avoided after acne treatment

  • Avoid scratching sheep, scratching acne areas or undergoing acne treatment.
  • Use products to clean and care for mild formulations, refrain from taking certain drugs or chemicals that are highly active or high in concentration, or avoid using previously used products or cosmetics to prevent allergies or irritation.
  • Adhesives and medications should be strictly taken according to the doctor’s instructions.
  • Avoid various acne-stimulating factors such as stress, sweat, insufficient rest, ingestion of cow’s milk products, etc.
  • Clean up the acne area.
  • reduce facial friction

Can acne treatments be paired with other treatments?

There are other acne treatment programs recommended by doctors along with standard procedures to improve the efficiency and reduce the duration of acne treatment. The programs include:

Q switched laser acne treatment

Q-swept laser is an innovation that breaks down the pigment in acne black spots and prevents acne from occurring. With its ability to kill bacteria that cause acne, the laser reduces fat glands on the skin, reducing excess fat and dead skin cells.It also helps control excess oil production. The Q-swept laser is another proactive treatment option that delivers the most satisfactory results.

Made Collagen

Many studies have found that collagen directly helps treat acne. Research has also shown that collagen can help solve acne-causing skin problems. Made collagen moisturizes and repairs damaged skin due to dehydration or dryness, reducing rash, which tends to cause acne easily because when it dries, it produces more oil.To compensate for the dryness, as it grows, so does the chance of acne.

Fractional CO2 Laser 

Fractional CO2 Laser is a type of laser that doctors recommend after the course of Acne Clear Program to treat acne scars, deep acne holes, and pores caused by severe acne. It is a safe and effective innovation to remove damaged outer skin after treatment. wrinkle-free 

a conclusion

Although acne can be difficult, proper acne treatment can help alleviate acne and improve skin tone. Professionally, dermatologists will evaluate and plan ongoing treatments to address acne while preventing recurrence.


